Location of the workshop: French Min. of Transport premises (Tour Séquoia, 1 Place Carpeaux, La Défense, Paris area)
Date & timing: October 27th 2023 from 10AM till 16:30PM
Nationwide integrated ticketing initiatives are gaining traction throughout Europe. Public authorities and operators are attentive to provide unified and simple experiences.
Such schemes can take different forms: nationwide tariffs, subscription or ticketing schemes. The Klimaticket, the Deutschlandticket, the OV-chipkaart and the SwissPass are the most emblematic examples of this trend. France is also working on the “Titre Unique” which aims at providing a unified experience to mobility modes throughout the country.
In this context, the French Ministry of Transport is welcoming the Smart Ticketing Alliance to talk about the next challenges for ticketing projects. The day will allow participants to discover projects and provide inspirations. The conversation will lead us to talk about the next evolutions of national schemes at the European level: cross border, new modes, better collaboration…
The previous STA online workshop, in July 2023, was the opportunity, for several countries, to present nationwide ticketing initiatives. After this first (online) workshop, this second (full on-site) workshop in Paris gives the priority and enough time for discussions, interactions and sharing points of view.
The finalized list of speakers will be communicated later.
This workshop is for an exclusive STA members-only. To register, please contact : https://www.smart-ticketing.org/contact
Or directly the french organisator of the event : French Innovation for Transports Agency, Raphael Klaja, raphael.klaja@i-carre.net
Please find the program of the day bellow :
9:30 – 10:00: Welcome & Coffee
10:00 – 10:30: Opening of the workshop by a representative of the French Ministry of transport and by the chair of the STA
10:30-12:00: What might be the next common European challenges to address for ticketing initiatives?
New challenges are coming for nationwide ticketing initiatives. From digitalization to the integration of long-distance and cross-border travel, nationwide initiatives are the center of the attention. This round table will allow us to dive deeper in the challenges identified by the ecosystem and look at some of the solutions that are currently in the work.
10-15mn presentations by each speaker followed by discussions with questions of the audience
12:00-13:30: Lunch provided by the ministry
13:30 – 14:30: How can we face market challenges in the mobility sector?
Testimony of DG Move and presentation of the MDMS regulation
With high-speed trains and cross border services being opened to competition, new operators are being launched in more and more countries. While single ticketing schemes have tried to reduce complexity for urban travel, they are not always tackling the interface with long distance well. The same is true for “new mobilities” such as car-sharing and car-pooling”, which enable seamless, intermodal travel.
10-15mn presentation followed by discussions with questions of the audience
14:45 – 16:15: How can we better collaborate and share our experiences?
Cooperation is the prerequisite for nationwide ticketing schemes. With those becoming more and more common, it is high time to coordinate our actions to better tackle coming challenges. Moreover, the development of standards and open source initiatives have enabled new ways to collaborate and work together. Projects involving more and more stakeholders, innovation is also in the governance… The presentations will allow opening the conversation on possible work groups and on what we could better share.
10-15 mn presentations by each speaker followed by discussions with questions of the audience.
16:15: Conclusion & next steps by the chair of the STA